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- WoW WotLK
- Wrath of the Lich King (WotLK) Mounts Boost
- Glory of the Hero Boost
Glory of the Hero Boost
- You will get Glory of the Hero achievement;
- You will obtain Red Proto-Drake mount;
- You will also receive Defenseless, The Culling of Time, Share The Love, Chaos Theory, Make It Count, On The Rocks, Volazj's Quick Demise, Better Off Dred, Good Grief, Experienced Drake Rider, Emerald Void, Brann Spankin' New, Split Personality, Lockdown!, Respect Your Elders, Shatter Resistant, Consumption Junction, Amber Void, The Incredible Hulk, Less-rabi, Zombiefest!, Intense Cold, Oh Novos!, Abuse the Ooze, Hadronox Denied, Volunteer Work, What the Eck?, Lightning Struck, Ruby Void, A Void Dance, King's Bane, My Girl Loves to Skadi All the Time, Lodi Dodi We Loves the Skadi, Dehydration, Timely Death, Gotta Go!, Snakes. Why'd It Have To Be Snakes?, Watch Him Die achievements;
- We will complete several dungeon runs on Heroic difficulty;
- You will have a chance to get pre-raid gear;
- You will get gold, items and other things which drop during boost.
See the "DETAILS" tab. There is a lot of information about WotLK Glory of the Hero, Loot options, Boost Method, How does the boost work, and others.
For making this boost possible see the "REQUIREMENTS" Tab.

Total Prices:
€ 205