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- WoW Legendary Powers Boost
- Druid Legendary Powers Boost
Druid Legendary Powers Boost
- We will get you selected Druid legendary powers;
- You can select any of the General Druid Legendary Powers - Circle of Life and Death, Draught of Deep Focus, Lycara’s Fleeting Glimpse, Oath of the Elder Druid;
- You can select any of the Balance Druid Legendary Powers - Balance of All Things, Oneth’s Clear Vision, Primordial Arcanic Pulsar, Timeworn Dreambinder;
- You can select any of the Feral Druid Legendary Powers - Apex Predator’s Craving, Cat-eye Curio, Eye of Fearful Symmetry, Frenzyband;
- You can select any of the Guardian Druid Legendary Powers - Legacy of the Sleeper, Luffa-Infused Embrace, The Natural Order’s Will, Ursoc’s Fury Remembered;
- You can select any of the Restoration Druid Legendary Powers - The Dark Titan’s Lesson, Memory of the Mother Tree, Verdant Infusion, Vision of Unending Growth;
- You can select any of the General Legendary Powers - Echo of Eonar, Judgment of the Arbiter, Norgannon's Sagacity, Sephuz's Proclamation, Stable Phantasma Lure, Third Eye of the Jailer, Vitality Sacrifice, Maw Rattle;
- You will get gold, items and other things which drop during boost.
See the "DETAILS" tab. There is a lot of information about Druid Legendary Powers, Boost Method, How does the boost work, and others.
For making this boost possible see the "REQUIREMENTS" Tab.

Total Prices:
€ 9