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- Fiendish Hellfire Core Boost
Fiendish Hellfire Core Boost
This offer on BuyBoost is made for those, who wants to gain Hellfire Infernal mount for the collection without the need to take hunders of tries in defeating Gul'dan boss on Mythic difficulty.
Since this fiery mount drops with a 1% chance from the last boss of the Nighthold raid on the hardest difficulty, our experienced boosters are ready to search it out on Black Market Auction House on several realms. During a month, they would search for the best offer, that grants you Fiendish Hellfire Core, saving tons of gold along the way. Simply put your order, and we will do the rest for you.
- Mount Fiendish Hellfire Core;
- BMAH with bidding win rate ~95%.
- Second account with the latest expansion on the same Battle.net;
- No need to have any amount of gold on your account.
See the "HOW IT WORKS" tab. There is information about boost methods, how boost works, and others.
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