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- WoW Exploration Achievements Boost
- Frostbitten Boost
Frostbitten Boost
- You will get achievement Frostbitten;
- You will also get extra achievement Northern Exposure;
- We will defeat 23 Northrend creatures: Loque'nahak, Hildana Deathstealer, Fumblub Gearwind, Perobas the Bloodthirster, King Ping, Crazed Indu'le Survivor, Grocklar, Syreian the Bonecarver, Griegen, Aotona, Vyragosa, Putridus the Ancient, High Thane Jorfus, Old Crystalbark, Icehorn, Vigdis the War Maiden, Tukemuth, Scarlet Highlord Daion, Seething Hate, Zul'drak Sentinel, Terror Spinner, King Kruh, Dirkee;
- You will get gold, items and other things which drop during boost.
See the "DETAILS" tab. There is a lot of information about Frostbitten, Boost Method, How does the boost work, and others.
For making this boost possible see the "REQUIREMENTS" Tab.

Total Prices:
€ 63