WotLK Classic PvP Guide
Wrath of the Lich King Classic will see combatants take to the Battlegrounds and Arenas once again, fighting for points, unique gear, and exclusive seasonal prizes. Players used to retail WoW or previous Classic versions may need to readjust their expectations, as there have been some changes to the PvP balance and the overall experience. This guide will help you prepare for the new Arena seasons and pick the WotLK best PvP class for your needs.
Although PvP was not the main area of attention for WotLK’s developers, the expansion changed this part of the game considerably. Likely the biggest source of difference from the earlier versions has to do with sweeping adjustments to class balance in both PvE and PvP. In that regard, it is important to note that WotLK Classic launches with the balance changes in later WotLK patches already introduced. The result is a meta that differs from both TBC Classic and the original WotLK as it was at release. There are some other tweaks to keep in mind as well, though. Here is a quick rundown of the most important non-class-related changes:
- two Battlegrounds were added in the original expansion: 15 vs. 15 Strand of the Ancients and 40 vs. 40 Isle of Conquest, both featuring siege warfare mechanics. Additionally, WotLK Classic converted the World PvP experience of Wintergrasp into a third Battleground that repeats every three hours;
- members of the faction that most recently won the Battle of Wintergrasp can access the Vault of Archavon, a raid instance that lets participants claim Honor and PvP gear as rewards;
- two more Arena settings have been introduced in Dalaran and Orgrimmar;
- WotLK PvP gear is somewhat more expensive, but this is partly offset by Honor being easier to earn, especially in Wintergrasp and the Vault of Archavon. Higher-level gear is available for those who reach certain Arena Rating thresholds, giving an advantage to players who get there early. There are also many important meta items acquired from PvE activities, most notably armor penetration-boosting trinkets;
- in another departure from the original, WotLK Classic replaces team ratings with personal ratings in the Arena. That means players can queue up for Arena matches like in the retail version.
Nevertheless, the most important changes had to do with classes. A whole new class was introduced, and many existing ones were buffed or nerfed, greatly upsetting the previous balance. The player’s choice of class and specialization are the factors with the strongest influence on their enjoyment of this expansion’s PvP. Accordingly, we have prepared an overview covering each class and what it has to offer in this gameplay mode. Even a suboptimal build can be fun to play, and could be viable with the right tactics. However, players should not be surprised to see certain specs dominate match after match.
Death Knights
The new arrivals on the Classic PvP scene are weaker than they were at the original’s release. Despite the nerfs, they are still a solid character option that can fill varied roles. The Unholy spec is, without doubt, the most effective PvP option for this class. Unholy heroes have access to a variety of devastating damage-dealing powers that enemy healers find overwhelming. They can nullify otherwise-debilitating effects while slowing down and silencing their opponents. Perhaps their deadliest power is the Death Grip, which can drag any foes into killing range.
Their other specs’ strengths do not translate to this format as well. Blood Death Knights are solid tanks, but they are simply outmatched by others in that role. Their offensive capabilities are limited and mostly reliant on critical hits. Frost Death Knights fare somewhat better and actually exceed their Unholy counterparts in sheer harmfulness. However, they lack their sheer range of utility powers, which can leave them somewhat one-trick and also vulnerable. All heroes of this class suffer from low mobility, but the Unholy are the best at compensating for it with other tricks.
Feral Druids have seen some of the biggest changes, going from a rather clumsy PvP spec to one of its most feared. Despite some residual awkwardness caused by the need to shapeshift before deploying their best moves, the Ferals are mobile, extremely tough, and capable of inflicting enormous damage. Their high-level talents amplify the harm they can do while making them harder to stop with special effects. By contrast, Balance Druids remain fairly average, though they can deal serious harm to multiple foes if kept safe from interruptions. Other casters are good allies due to their crowd control.
On the healer side of things, Restoration remains a strong choice despite some nerfs. While their single-target healing is made pricier, many will find improved group healing options a sufficient compensation. They are generally good at both inflicting harm through attacks and debuffs, while deftly avoiding adverse effects. However, they become vulnerable if they are ever cornered at close range. This specialization is often chosen for 3v3 Arenas, where they have adequate backup to cover for their weakness. In 2v2, they are a much weaker choice.
Hunters are a very interesting class in this expansion, as their abilities and pet companions have been reworked. They have a promising toolset for PvP, but it can be tricky to use right. While their powers have the potential to inflict enormous harm upon the opposition in little time, skilled opponents can counter them in many ways. Such counters range from silencing abilities, against which those heroes have little recourse, to exploits like breaking line of sight or staying out of effective combat range. A lot of their traps can be thrown off by chance.
Nonetheless, Hunters can be formidable in the hands of skillful and focused players. The Marksmanship spec easily outmatches the others because it has the best combination of powers for burst offensives, including the Readiness cooldown reset. Survival and Beast Mastery can also be viable. The latter in particular avoids some of this class’ issues due to its use of pets to attack foes. Those attacks can be enhanced with Bestial Wrath to be very fearsome indeed. However, players who can deal with the frustrations of ranged and trap-based combat would find the first spec to be the most effective, as it has more tricks up its sleeve.
Mages have always been the MMORPG’s ultimate glass cannons, enormously damaging but also very fragile. The Arena rewards fast kills, so they are a very promising option for players who can keep them alive long enough to win. Out of all specializations, the WotLK Frost Mage PvP performance is by far the most impressive. They have many ways of dealing harm and keeping enemies at bay, as well as the devastating Shatter talent that combines both types of powers. In the right hands, those magicians count among the very best PvP specs.
Other WotLK Mage PvP options are simply less effective. Still, they have their upsides. The Arcane spec brings Arcane Missile combos to the table, but while devastating, they are subject to randomness and mana costs. Later seasons also reduce the effectiveness of their relatively one-note approach. Fire Mages have a critical disadvantage due to poor crowd control capabilities and resulting low chances of survival. However, they can make up for it with an even greater variety of damaging abilities. That can at least make them fun to play while they last.
All Paladins share several basic characteristics: extreme durability, varied defensive and support abilities, solid offensive powers, and poor maneuverability. On the whole, that is enough to make them a solid if sometimes clunky choice for PvP. Protection Paladins are especially tough and great at suppressing their foes, but their attack powers are sadly limited. Retribution Paladins have a better balance of offensive and defensive powers, potentially dealing a lot of damage in one go. Alternatively, they can concentrate on maximizing their critical damage chances.
The Holy specialization is the truly outstanding option for this class, however. It is the single strongest Healer option in the refreshed meta. A large part of that has to do with reworked and added talents that make Holy Paladins almost impossible to suppress. They can shrug off adverse effects and provide timely healing with gusto, while withstanding all the pain opponents can inflict thanks to their inherent class durability. While they are not impossible to take out, it will require a lot of effort on the opposing team’s part, cementing their place as one of the most popular teammates.
Priests are another glass cannon class, though compared to Mages they are somewhat less direct. Sadly, Holy Priests remain very much subpar in PvP. While they are competent healers, they are too easy to take out and so cannot keep pace with Paladins. Discipline presents an effective alternative due to their rich array of diverse spells. Though still fragile, they can be effective as they take the battle to the enemy while still providing decent healing and buffs to their team. The mastery of timing and battlefield control is vital for those wishing to using this spec.
The WotLK Shadow Priest PvP experience is notably different thanks to their defensive and suppressive powers. Dispersion allows those sinister clerics to both mitigate attacks and throw off adverse effects, greatly extending their lifespan. They also have many ways of hurting their foes. That includes both direct offensive powers and various debuff and dispel abilities. The latter make them ideal for taking on Holy Paladins and other well-protected casters. Nonetheless, their players must still pay attention to enemy movements, as they are natural targets for anyone they fail to stop quickly.
Rogues are the physical combat version of the glass cannon. They can cause extreme pain and control the battlefield, but are also quite vulnerable to counterattacks. As such, they have definite potential, but require serious player skills to unleash it correctly. The definitive WotLK Rogue PvP specialization is Subtlety. What it loses in damage output, it more than makes up for with its varied powers. They can mark targets for allies, block weapon-based actions, and survive certain death. They can also deploy stealth-based powers even when not sneaking around.
The other versions of Rogue can deal more damage, but are relatively subpar overall. Their position starts out relatively strong, but worsens in later seasons as their would-be victims acquire better protection. Assassination Rogues can hit hard and fast, and help allies do the same even better than their subtler colleagues. However, they are this much more vulnerable. Combat Rogues are somewhat better at surviving, but mostly lose out to Subtlety. That said, their Killing Spree power allows them to sidestep all efforts at suppression, which can be decisive when hunting enemy casters.
Shamans are a versatile bunch, being both tough and blessed with varied powers. Different specs can attack, defend, and support their allies with reasonable efficiency. They are comparatively less reliant on gear, though they should not neglect it entirely. This class has also been a net beneficiary of WotLK buffs, mitigating many of their earlier weaknesses. The main remaining flaw is that their spells have long cast times, meaning that canny opponents can interrupt and neutralize them. Shaman PvP enthusiasts typically counter this by teaming up with other spellcasters and dividing enemy attentions.
The Elemental specialization is the most highly-regarded. They have many ways of damaging opponents individually or in groups, while supporting their allies with totems. Knocking back foes is an important part of their arsenal. Enhancement Shamans have gained the ability to summon spirit wolves, which, together with related bonuses, has been a game-changer for this spec. It allows them to get around quicker, resist attacks, and maintain the pressure on their foes. Restoration Shamans have gained versatile healing powers, though they are still less effective than other healing classes.
Warlocks become a dominant PvP class in WotLK. They are uncommonly tough for casters, thanks in part to the Soul Link talent that could now be acquired easily by any Warlock spec. It allows them to pass on some of the harm they take to demon pets, extending their own lifespan. Meanwhile, they possess a wide range of damaging powers that can be deployed without too much worry about survival. Demonology Warlocks used to be the main PvP version of this class, but their rework has left them relatively weak. While fearsome in Metamorphosis mode, they can do relatively little without it.
Affliction and Destruction, on the other hand, are stronger than ever. The former concentrate on crushing their opponents over time with attacks that slowly eat away at their health bars. They also have some good crowd control options. Meanwhile, the latter does as its name implies, quickly burning away foes. This spec is comparatively fragile, but it still has means of keeping foes out of attack range. With the right back-up and attentive spell usage, either of those specs can dominate the Arenas.
Last but not least, Warriors can be very effective in PvP due to their combination of toughness and impressive ability to do harm. As usual, this potential is unevenly distributed among specializations. Fury Warriors are widely panned as far as the Arenas are concerned. While their basic stats and attacks are still solid, they simply do not have powers that stand out in this mode, and can be considered an almost pure PvE build. Protection Warriors are in a better position, due primarily to their rich selection of stunning attacks.
However, it is Arms Warriors who are the real stars of this class, and often of the Arena as a whole. They can slaughter foes quickly, both individually and in groups. Their melee burst damage is practically unmatched, though they are vulnerable to disarming abilities. This specialization can work well with practically any party composition. An Arms Warrior is threatening and durable enough to reliably draw away hostile attention from squishier allies, letting them execute other plans while they hold the frontline.
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