Awakened Heroic + Free Normal Bundle Boost


With this Awakened Heroic + Free Normal Bundle carry you will never have to worry about keeping up to date with raid content, since our boosting team will help you complete both raids in the fastest way possible.

Full heroic run is a pretty tough challenge which can be close to impossible to do if you're looking for the well coordinated group of players, that's where BuyBoost comes in handy. Our professional PvE players with years of raiding experience will easily do all the necessary tasks and defeat all bosses in no time. Completing all bosses on Normal and Heroic difficulties will grant you great chances to empower your character with 493-515 ilvl gear from Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope raid.



  • Start time: Flexible.
  • Completion time: up to 12 hours.


The current raid loot system is based around group loot:

  • Group Loot - the cheapest and fastest way to unlock the Great Vault rewards of your choice. You will roll items together with other raid participants, but because this system is quite random, we can't guarantee you a certain number of items you can get. But in most cases, you will have a chance to loot, on average, about 1-2 items.

  • Unsaved Group Loot - you will get the group of multiple unsaved players, which gives you an opportunity to roll 4-6 items from every boss. This option doesn't guarantee any particular items, however your gearing chances will be higher.

  • Armor & Token Priority - you will get the group of 10-26 unsaved players, which gives you an opportunity to roll 2-6 items from every boss, increasing your chances to get suitable items by 2-3 times.

  • Guaranteed Armor & Token Priority - You will join the group of chosen number of boosters with fresh cooldown, as well as three other customers. Depending on the number of boosters, every player will be able to loot at least 4-9 items during the run. Only you will roll suitable for your class tokens and armor. Non-set items (neck, rings, trinkets, cloaks, and weapons) will be rolled among you and the other three customers. If you don't get the guaranteed number of items during the raid run, we will complete the extra raid next week to finish the order.

  • Full Priority - you will be the only customer in the raid with the chosen number of boosters with fresh cooldown. You can invite up to 2 friends to share loot and experience with them without extra payment. You will get all items that drop from bosses including tier tokens, rings, necks, cloaks, trinkets, and weapons.


  • Mythic +2 Timed Run - you will receive Mythic +2 Key lvl completed with Timer.

  • Mythic +4 Timed Run - you will receive Mythic +4 Key lvl completed with Timer.

  • Mythic +6 Timed Run - you will receive Mythic +6 Key lvl completed with Timer.

  • Mythic +8 Timed Run - you will receive Mythic +8 Key lvl completed with Timer.

  • Mythic +10 Timed Run - you will receive Mythic +10 Key lvl completed with Timer.

  • 4 Mythic +10 Timed Run - you will receive 4 Mythic +10 Key lvl completed with Timer.


  • 70 level character. Don't have one yet? Enhance your gaming experience with our Professional Powerleveling service.

See the "HOW IT WORKS" tab. There is information about boost methods, how boost works, and others.

Our support is ready to help you 24/7, only PRO-players in the support team. You can ask them everything.

Awakened Heroic + Free Normal Bundle Boost
Group Loot Heroic + Free Normal
Unsaved Group Loot Heroic + Free Normal
Armor & Token Priority Heroic + Free Normal
Guaranteed Armor & Token Priority Heroic + Free Normal
Full Priority Heroic + Free Normal
Mythic +2 Timed Run
Mythic +4 Timed Run
Mythic +6 Timed Run
Mythic +8 Timed Run
Mythic +10 Timed Run
4 Mythic +10 Timed Runs
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